Monday, February 25, 2008

Lolcat Bible!

I don't know if this project aiming to translate the Bible from English into Lolcat is sacreligious, but it sure is funny IMHO. Here's a sample:

Job 6:12

6 Teh ayngles wented to seez Ceiling Cat, and Saitin wented two.7 Ceiling Cat axt Saitin, "Wher wuz u?" Saitin saied "Oh, hai. I'z wuz in ur earth, wawking up and down uponz it."8 Teh Ceiling Cat sayd "Has u seen mai servnt Job? He can has cheezburger cuz he laiks me."

9 "No wai!" sed Saitin.10 "U just plyin favrits.11 If u take his cheezburgers, he no laiks u no moar."

12 Then teh Ceiling Cat sed "Okai, u can take his bukkit, but no hurtzing Job hissef." And then Saitin went awai.

The entire thing is Wiki based so you can help translate in your free time.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Garfield without so much Garfield

I've never been a fan of Garfield, but this cool site presents Garfield comic strips sans the annoying lasagna-loving feline. The strip takes on a whole new meaning when you leave off the furry critter.

John McCain

This video of John McCain is just too funny. Great to see how he straight talks his way around and around. I also like this video of McCain which is a parody of the Barack Obama "Yes We Can" music video. What political videos are you watching?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Why blog?

As a lifelong geek and a long time Internet user, it seems natural that I should put together a blog of some sort. Add the fact that I'm a liberal in a pretty conservative industry (hardware retailing) and it seems even more natural that I'd want to post my thoughts, ideas, activities, and other assorted ramblings online for others to read and comment on. So, this is a starting point for the blog. It might not go anywhere from here, or it might turn into something I update regularly. Stay tuned (or not).